‘Shiptober: Will The Walking Dead season 8 change anything for Daryl and Carol?

Daryl and Carol

Mrs. Carter: Is there actually a hope that The Walking Dead season 8 will change anything for Daryl and Carol in terms of their relationship?

At this point it feels as though the relationship between the two characters is very well-documented, given that they’re beloved out there by many for a wide abundance of different reasons. They’re both exceptional at killing walkers, and they also have a shared psyche when it comes to dealing with trauma and the rigors of this world. They understand each other emotionally in a way that few others do and that has always been one of the biggest fundamental reasons why the “Caryl” ‘ship is at the top of many fans’ favorite Walking Dead pairings.

So for this edition of our ongoing ‘Shiptober series here at CarterMatt, it is worth pondering as to whether or not season 8 could be any different for the two. Could they finally turn romantic, or this an idea that is long buried at this point? There are reasons to look at this issue from multiple different angles.

The reason to bring them together – It’s season 8. For one, you need to figure out a way to get viewers excited about what’s coming. Negan is already around, Glenn is already gone, and many of the other romances are already set in stone. There is some merit to trying to shake things up at this point. Pairing up Carol and Daryl finally would get some people excited about what’s happening on the show, while exploring a dynamic that is very new for the two of them: A real romantic relationship. They’ve both become lone wolves to such an extent that it’s hard to imagine the two of them being any other way. Therein comes the excitement!

What’s holding them back – For one, there is a legitimate story reason to keep the two together after Daryl refused to tell Carol the truth about everything that had happened to Glenn and everyone else. He may have been trying to protect her, but honesty is a key component in just about any relationship. We don’t think that we’ve seen the full reverberations yet for what is going to happen as a result of Morgan being the one to tell her instead.

Also, we’re just not sure that this is a place the Walking Dead producers want to go. Daryl and Carol do have a great friendship and they haven’t expressed an interest to make either one of them overly romantic — they’ve heard from the ‘shippers but resisted temptation. Keeping their relationship where it is shows more that there are several different dynamics that can exist within this world, and not all of them have to be between dating couples.

Hopefully, we’ll get some more information when The Walking Dead season 8 premieres on AMC later this month.

Do you think that there’s hope for Daryl and Carol?

Sound off now in the comments! Meanwhile, be sure to click here in the event you do want to score some additional Walking Dead news on a possible crossover coming up in the future; meanwhile, like us on Facebook to get updates on this and other shows we cover. (Photo: AMC.)

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