Poldark season 3 episode 2 (PBS): Is Dwight Enys in danger?
After all, remember that this is a show that has featured character death on it before (RIP Francis), and moving into this installment one of the things that we’re the most concerned for is the fate of none other than Dwight Enys. At the start of the episode we’re going to see Ross take off on a mission, and it’s a pretty epic one when you consider what the stakes are: Finding Dwight or not finding him, and given where he’s located at, the consequences of the latter are probably pretty darn severe. Without a little bit of help, he’s probably not going to survive — and that’s heartbreaking given everything that Dr. Enys has gone through so far during the series’ run. Remember his epic love story with Caroline over the course of season 2? That’s something we definitely do want to see continue.
If you look below, you can see a little more news now when it comes to Poldark season 3 episode 2 and the story coming up.
Poldark season 3 episode 2 details via PBS – “Ross goes to revolutionary France to search for information about Dwight. George dispenses rough justice in his new role as magistrate. Drake falls into forbidden love.”
The story of Drake is also going to be a pretty integral one to the story this season, primarily because we are looking at someone here who enters the world with very specific principles that get broken down somewhat. He’s steadfast in what he believes in, but simultaneously he is not someone with a vast understanding of romance and matters of the heart. If there is something that could distract him from his previous cause, it’s pretty clear that it would be falling for someone. This does seem to be what happens here, but for the sake of spoiling anything for American viewers we’re better off keeping the majority of the details from this hour a secret — at least for now.
What do you anticipate coming your way on Poldark season 3 episode 2? Be sure to share a few more of your thoughts in the comments!
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