Teen Wolf season 6 episode 20 (series finale) review: Full circle feelings

Teen Wolf season 6 episode 20

It didn’t take altogether long for Teen Wolf season 6 episode 20 — otherwise known as the series finale — to raise the stakes. Just a few minutes into the episode Stiles and Derek returned to Beacon Hills, and we had a roundtable of notable names, past and present, with one primary goal in mind: Finding a way to stop Argent.

Everyone was there in one way or another to help, whether it be Stiles, Peter, Derek, or some of the characters from the past like Jackson who continued to find themselves in a difficult spot. Gerard put many of the show’s various characters, whether it be Parrish or Mama McCall, in a dangerous position.

Yet, here is the good news: These are characters who’s fought Demon Wolves, Dread Doctors, other hunters, and a wide array of other Big Bads over the years. One of their bigger tests came when Tamora shot Scott, and signs pointed to him not getting out of that alive. Luckily, Derek was there to offer up a little bit of help!

The series finale really presented the narrative in a smart way, given that there was some awareness that there wasn’t going to be a way to throw every character into the same scene. We had one group led by Scott, Malia, and Derek, and then Stiles and Lydia off with Jackson and Ethan. The adults even had a role to play of their own, with Stilinski coming through in the clutch. The unfortunate thing was that no matter where these characters went, they all found themselves in spots where they could be turned to stone.

Where everything culminated

We’d say, other than the stone transformations, that it really started with Argent shooting his own daughter Kate. We’d say that from there, it continued with Scott seemingly gouging out his own eyes. How many terrible things can happen to a man in a single episode? This actually turned out to be pretty smart given that if he can’t look at someone, there’s no real way for him to be stone. Scott created enough of a distraction with this series of events that Stiles was able to come in and dispatch the show’s version of Medusa for good. Meanwhile, everyone was freed from their stone prisons and we saw our heroes finally start to get the upper hand once more.

If you love gunplay, you probably loved the finale, and the same can be said if you love characters conquering their demons. In the end, what’s important is that the heroes did win, Gerard and company were defeated, and the town found out how to effectively stand against hate.

In the aftermath of the attack, what we had to learn was whether or not the characters were going to work their way through with their bodies and minds intact. Thanks to some old-school romance, Scott managed to get eyesight back. Everyone seemed to be happy, but with the closing scenes, we learned that Monroe was still out there and had people. The show didn’t necessarily close the door for more stories in this universe, though it appears that with this current generation of heroes, the story seems done.


There were some really funny moments in this episode in addition to the sad and nostalgic. Take, for example, Jackson learning about Lydia’s powers — and Lydia and Stiles learning that Jackson and Ethan are together. (The Coach appearance was top-notch.) While we do think that there were some parts of the ending that were rushed, we give the writers all sorts of credit for trying to pay tribute to the show and its history tonight. (The Jennifer cameo was the one that really got us.)

What’s your take on Teen Wolf season 6 episode 20?

Share some of your thoughts in the comments below! Also, be sure to visit the link here in the event you do want to read our recent report on if you think a Teen Wolf season 7 could or should happen someday. (Photo: MTV.)

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