Hawaii Five-0 season 8 premiere wishlist: Meagan Rath’s introduction and more

Hawaii Five-0 season 8 premiere

What lies ahead on the Hawaii Five-0 season 8 premiere? We know that there are many big events coming up, and there are certain ones we feel are rather essential to the show delivering on the quality of the past year.

The biggest thing that the show has working against it at the moment is strictly hype, given the fact that season 7 was so strong. The themes of family and of legacy pervaded almost the entirety of this past year, and there were near-constant benefits of that as we got to know some of those characters better. Unfortunately, now we’re saying goodbye to two of those characters in Chin and Kono, and in this edition of our Premiere Wishlist, it only makes sense to touch on how to write those two out.

1. Honor Kono and Chin – Don’t just include a line in here about the two of them being off someone else — Chin likely took the job in San Francisco, while Kono is off working on stopping the sex-trafficking ring. Give us a sense as to how all of the characters miss the two of them. Even with a time jump, we’re not sure how much they will be able to move forward right away. These people are all a part of the Ohana!

2. Give an update on Steve’s condition – You cannot tell us that the character is suffering from radiation poisoning at the end of season 7 only to not bring it up at some point in season 8. This is an essential part of understanding more of where the story will go moving forward.

3. A fun introduction to Meaghan Rath – While her character of Tani Rey should not overwhelm the premiere, we do want to get a partial sense of who she is and why McGarrett thinks that she could be a good fit for the Task Force — even though her time in the Police Academy didn’t end altogether well for her.

4. Where are the characters’ personal lives? – At least offer us a small sense on if Steve and Danny are in relationships, and maybe how things are going with Grover and his family. Sense family is a big part of the show, it’s important to touch on that in the premiere.

5. Great action sequences – These are a hallmark of the series, and while it’s going to be tough to topple the awesome ones that were in the most-recent finale, you want to start the season off big! With casting Joey Lawrence as Aaron right, it’s already clear that the show is on its way.

What do you want to see in regards to the Hawaii Five-0 season 8 premiere? Be sure to share some of your thoughts and hopes in the comments!

For some more news beyond the premiere…

Be sure to visit this link, since that is where you can take a look at some additional news! That includes a first look at the Chris Vance’s return to the show. (Photo: CBS.)

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