Shark Tank rankings: Rareform, Blendtique Wine, The Sleep Styler, MealEnders


Tonight’s Shark Tank repeat is going to re-feature the likes of Rareform, Blendtique Wine, The Sleep Styler, and MealEnders. Are any of them still worth your attention? That’s what this article is meant to figure out! We’re going to take a close look at some of these brands and determine in the process of that which ones may be worthy of a purchase … or at least your attention. Note that we’re speaking here in terms of where they are now, as opposed to where they were at the time of the show first airing.

Excited to get started? Well, read on…

4. MealEnders – When this first was featured on the show, we joked at that time that this was one of the first weight-loss products in the history of the show that wasn’t entirely reamed out by Mark Cuban. We do think still that there’s some merit there in how it intends to use psychology to help people lose weight and help stop overeating. The issue remains that this is a super-crowded space, and we think that products in this space don’t shine all that well on Shark Tank. They’re better suited for other platforms like infomercials where they can make more of an uninterrupted pitch.

3. Blendtique Wine – We do still think that the product needs to really pivot itself even more as a fun party item, at least for a specific crowd, but it’s one of the more intriguing concepts this season. It figures out a way to make creating your own blend of wine fun and then allows you to purchase more of them to suit your own needs. They seem to still be going strong since the show (they could be more active on social media), and this is not the sort of product that will ever go out of style since everyone tends to enjoy drinking wine.

2. Rareform – This past season of the show really was the one for products that were made using recycled material. We saw it with firefighter gear, and here we see it with vinyl billboard material. It’s a super-cool idea that does stand out and gives you a story behind your bag.

We still don’t love the name and the price point’s a tad high, but in seeing the line of products that they’ve cultivated, plus the unique one-of-a-kind nature of it, this is a company that could survive for a long time. It doesn’t go out of style in the same way as other fashion items could.

1. The Sleep Styler – This product was a slam dunk the first time we saw it in the Tank — it was one of the shortest negotiations ever, and it made perfect sense for Lori Greiner to want to invest in it from the jump. It’s the perfect QVC product since it’s all about helping women style their hair overnight while sleeping, saving them an incredible amount of time in the morning. It’s this sort of simple-but-effective innovation that Shark Tank really strives to find. The website is polished, the branding is there, and you see Lori immediately upon visiting it. Smart branding, and they’re in for the long haul.

Remember that if you head over to the link here, you can get some further Shark Tank news. (Photo: ABC.)

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