First Bachelor in Paradise 4 promo hints at Corinne Olympios controversy
Then again, the way that the show opts to do this in this promo (via People Magazine) is rather sly. There is no mention of either Corinne or DeMario’s name — instead, the network showcases various tweets about the show from fan Twitter accounts expressing heartache at the thought of the show not coming back; then, they turn it around and show tweets of people celebrating that Paradise was not canceled, after all! It’s clearly hyping up the headlines for the sake of personal gain, but it’s only doing this as a result of there being no evidence of wrongdoing in the investigation.
It’s already been confirmed that the sexual acts of Corinne and DeMario are going to be referenced one way or another in the first episode of the show — they won’t likely be seen on-camera, but the producers do realize that the firestorm that happened, including the production shutdown, is far too dramatic for them to ignore. Therefore, they will reference it, bring out Chris Harrison to talk about it, and then move the show forward with a lot of what it’s known for. Many past contestants — including Amanda Stanton, Raven Gates, Robby Hayes, and others, are going to be down in Mexico for their second/third chance at fame, romance, or whatever else they are hoping to get from this show. There could be engagements at the end of it, and we’re sure that at some point in the middle of all of this Evan Bass and Carly Waddell’s wedding will be shown. They are the success story from last year’s edition of the show, and one of the most entertaining and unlikely couples we’ve seen come out of the franchise.
The only thing that we hope is that when Bachelor in Paradise airs, the show moves past the awkward stuff as quickly as possible so that it can effectively get to the rest of the meat. There’s not going to be much that you see here that you don’t already know in one form or another, and we’d rather just focus on the romance for the show itself. After all, remember that Corinne and DeMario are both planning to be at the reunion at the end of the season, and at that point, the two parties are going to have a chance to address each other and talk. Until that point, everything is going to be repetition of news stories when it comes to these two.
What do you think about the first Bachelor in Paradise 4 promo? Share some of your thoughts on the matter below!
Meanwhile, head over here to get some other insight when it comes to the series. (Photo: aBC.)