The Bachelorette hometown dates: Dean Unglert on father’s Sikh faith
Before this episode even comes on the air, Dean clearly wants to get more of his thoughts and perspective about his father out there — especially after a miscommunication on this past episode of the show. In that episode, Dean referred to his father as “eccentric,” which led to some questioning as to whether or not he was speaking negatively towards his religious beliefs. Dean denies that, and clarified further in a post on his Instagram leading up to the episode airing:
“Hometowns are 2 days away! ..and I’m asking for a favor: when I said my father was eccentric, I was not referring to his Sikh faith or the turban he wears on his head. I’m not asking you to spare his feelings (or mine) but instead to be cognizant and accepting of the millions of people that belong to the Sikh community. Although he and I are not close, I respect my father’s decision to follow his heart and pursue the life he has chosen. Let us not criticize him for his appearance or his beliefs because by doing so we are disparaging an entire faith and culture that includes millions of people. And I know we are all better than that.”
We should get a better sense of the relationship that exists here, and the history that the two parties share, on the episode tonight. We’re already anticipating this being all sorts of emotional, so you better be prepared for that right now. There are also some other hometown dates featuring Eric Bigger, Bryan Abasolo, and Peter Kraus, but these don’t have anywhere near the same sort of attention going into them as the one that Dean does. Whether or not that is intentional is something that does remain to be seen.
What do you think is going to unfold on The Bachelorette for Dean and his father? Be sure to share in the comments!
Meanwhile, head over here in the event that you do want to get some other news right now when it comes to the show. We are going to have some additional news on the episode a little later tonight, including a further preview for the overnight dates. (Photo: ABC.)