The Bachelorette spotlight: Meet Lucas Yancey, whaboom man; real job


With the limited time between now and The Bachelorette premiere, one of the things that we’re going to be focusing on with spotlights are some of the people who stand out, and who for one reason or another, you will be interested in getting to know over the course of the season. Lucas Yancey is one of those people, for better or for worse.

The biggest thing to know about Lucas entering this season is that his job is … Whaboom. Seriously. Apparently this is his catchphrase, which means that no matter how long he is a part of the show, he may end up beating it into the ground and annoying everyone. Yet, there’s also probably a chance that he will get 50,000 Instagram products and start advertising some sort of skincare brand with that same name before going on Bachelor in Paradise?

So what’s the guy’s real job? He’s a business graduate … but he’s also an actor. Clearly, this guy had to be partially motivated to go on the show because of the fact that he wanted to make a name for himself. If you’re going to do that, it does make some sense that you’ve got something as simple as a word that people will always remember you by. This also makes a little bit more sense why The Bachelorette of all shows would choose to label his job as a “whaboom,” given that they never like to put that someone is an actor/producer/model unless they have to since it automatically makes people assume that they are around for some other reason than getting to know the lead. It sends up some red flags, and that’s something that leads especially look for right from the jump.

Aside from his job, there are several things about this guy from his bio that are ridiculous. He’s thirty, he loves dancing, and he’s down for the cross-promotion with other ABC shows given that he wants to be stranded on a deserted island with the ladies from The View. Maybe the guy ends up being a hoot, but there is a certain degree of this that is very calculated. He knows what he’s doing, and hey, more power to him — he got on the show, so he’s got every right to do as much of his whaboom shtick as he possibly can.

What do you think about “whaboom” as a job title on The Bachelorette? Share now in the comments!

Meanwhile, head over to the link here to secure some further news right now when it comes to the show. (Photo: ABC.)

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