Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Final four nominations
Remember here that Demetres is the winner of the Head of Household competition earlier today; remember that Kevin wasn’t playing in it, and he was up against someone in Ika who has yet to win a single competition all season and someone in Karen with only one victory at the very start of the season. He had the power to choose two people to go up, and OF COURSE he is not nominating Ika. Karen and That Kevin Martin are now on the block together.
In leading up to the Veto, the big thing worth noting is that today is the competition! Everyone is already practicing / preparing for it; it will likely run late tonight, and there may be results coming before some people on the West Coast go to bed. (Time will tell when it’s actually over, but the feeds have been off a LOT today already.)
The scenarios for the Veto today are clear and not all that exciting compared to past years. If anyone other than Kevin wins it, he ends up going home. If Kevin wins it, he sends Ika home in fourth place and sends most of Big Brother Twitter into chaos. Karen may hate That Kevin Martin, but it makes so much more sense for him to want to get rid of someone who can win at the end against anyone. She’s played the best social / strategic game, and she’s proving the age-old rule that winning competitions is something that you don’t need to do in order to be a great player. Unfortunately, Tim and Cassandra both showed last year that sometimes, not winning competition comes back to bite you.
This is a real challenging debate as to what’s the best scenario going into the Veto. Kevin going home means boring final three feeds. However, Kevin staying potentially means chaos and Karen starting all sorts of ridiculous rumors about him. This situation deprives you of the best remaining player overall, but it gives you more interesting conflict unless there’s a situation where Ika wins the final HoH and evicts Demetres. It’s hard to imagine it happening the other way around.
If you missed it…
Be sure to check out the link here for some other news on Big Brother Canada! There is a short interview with Dillon online from earlier in the day. (Photo: Global.)
Nicolas Cristiano
May 13, 2017 @ 1:59 am
Would you really consider Ika to be the best player of those remaning. I mean, not to nitpick, but it seems that you’re following the lead established by the Big Brother Reddit. Hopefully, you’re not one of those fools who considers her to be an elite BB player, especially her gameplay overall has been rather erratic throughout the season.