Big Brother Canada 5 – Dillon Carman interview: How’s he feeling on Karen today?
Below, you can see some of what Dillon had to say about his experience, his allies, and some of what awaits him on the other side of the house. (The finale airs next week on Global!)
CarterMatt – How different was it being in the game than you expected?
Dillon Carman – It was a lot different than I expected. It was a super-mental test, but an awesome experience all in all.
What do you feel in retrospect was your biggest mistake?
I don’t have any regrets — I don’t think I made any mistakes. I made final five and that’s a huge accomplishment, so it is what it is.
How did you adjust your game after Emily left?
I was able to make more relationships with other people in the house. That was the biggest adjustment that I made. Emily leaving was a tough situation, but I tried to make it as best a situation as I could.
Do you have any ill will towards Karen evicting you?
None whatsoever. I love Karen. She’s an amazing woman and a great mom. I’m happy that we built the relationship that we did.
This interview is pretty short, but that was expected — if you go back to the pre-game interview with Dillon, he was also extremely blunt with many of his answers there, as well. In the end, thanks to Global still for providing the opportunity to get responses from jurors — on the US version of the show, that only tends to happen in email form.
Interested in further Big Brother Canada news?
If you head over here, you can retrieve additional updates on the show (including from the live feed) and what’s coming up over the course of the season. (Photo: Global.)