Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: It’s all about Karen


Here’s the thing with Karen on Big Brother Canada 5 — as a personality, she’s amazing and one of the best on the show. As a player … well, let’s just say that she loves making questionable decisions. She was lucky that her choice to go big-game hunting in her Head of Household reign didn’t come back to haunt her.

The Power of Veto Ceremony is going to be taking place in the house today, and based on some of the information out there, this is what we know: Kevin is planning to use the Veto on Ika, and then put up Dillon in his place. The logic here is really quite simple: It would mean that Ika would vote to evict Dillon, but Karen would vote to evict Demetres. He’d break the tie, and send Demetres home. It’s a great move to ensure that his desired target leaves … given that a person does play with their own self-interest in mind. There is no logical reason to keep Demetres in the game if you are anyone other than Ika. He will always take her to the final two over anyone else, and he’s a huge competition threat. He’s gotta go.

Yet, Karen seems to be convinced that Demetres is good for her game, and there’s a chance that she could end up doing the opposite of what Kevin wants just to spite him. Does her reluctance to follow Kevin’s lead make him a bad player for taking this chance? We don’t think so; we just think that if there is any mistake that he’s making, it’s just allowing Karen to have any sort of actual control in the game when you know that she loves to spite you.

If Demetres stays this week and Dillon goes, Karen’s only path to the finals is ironically with Kevin, who probably needs to win the final four Veto in order to stay alive. We do think that Kevin is the biggest threat in the game, so we do understand the logic of wanting him out. (He’s got people on that jury who are friends of his outside of the game.) We just think that you should always fight to make it to the end rather than get third place, and Karen keeping Demetres would be a move designed to get her a third place seat.

Who knows, though? Maybe Karen will turn it around. She’s talking to Kevin right now, and seems to have him thinking about the prospect of keeping Ika on the block. Maybe she’s willing to do something crazy to save Demetres, but Ika not so much.

If Karen keeps Demetres over Dillon, what do you think that could do to her game? Share in the comments! Meanwhile, head over here in the event you want some other news when it comes to Big Brother Canada now. (Photo: Global.)

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