Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Could this Kevin alliance work?
What Kevin needs at this point is another big target to work with, and earlier today, there was an interesting conversation between him and Dillon about trying to work together beyond this week. They’ve talked about it before through the lens of Karen, but today we saw them discuss the idea of working with each other and Demetres in the event that Ika leaves the game. They could dominate the other competition, and then eventually get to the final three and battle it out.
On the surface for Dillon, this makes little sense given that both Kevin and Demetres could easily beat him at the end of the season. Maybe you can argue that Dillon is that sort of player who would do something against his better judgment as a way to “beat the best,” but it’s also possible that he was just blowing smoke given that he’s also close with Karen and would probably like to go far with her in the game.
Still, this alliance would be the best move possible for Kevin and Demetres if they can put their issues this week behind them. They don’t entirely realize yet how much Dre at least wants them out, and with Jackie being the likely replacement nominee this week, she’s probably not going to be to pro-Kevin, either. If one of these two guys doesn’t win a competition Thursday, it’s easy to envision both of them heading out the door at one time.
Ultimately, consider all of this food for thought — it’s at least something that they can say yes to while they keep their options open with William, Karen, and other players. This game’s about building an army, and if they can isolate Dre and Jackie on some level entering the triple eviction, it could buy them some safety moving into the future.
You can get a little more news from last night, including more on Demetres winning the Power of Veto, over at the link here right now. (Photo: Global.)