Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Double eviction preparation

Double Eviction

The Big Brother Canada 5 Double Eviction is coming tonight on Global, and it feels almost like an understatement to say that this will be one of the biggest episodes of the season. It’s one that is fairly tough to predict just based on everything at play, but that is one of the reasons why it’s so fun.

Let’s start, though, by reiterating that it looks as though Emily is going to be evicted from the Odyssey tonight. Sindy was the swing vote, and she’s made it clear that her intention is to keep Dillon … which may not be all that much of a bad thing. Bruno and Kevin may feel as though they can win Dillon back over after the whole Veto fiasco, but we’re not so sure given his conversation recently with Karen. He may consider nominating both Demetres and Kevin if he gets power, which is great news for William.

Overall, William should be celebrating how he is coming out of this HoH reign. It’s possible that he gets nominated in the Double Eviction, but we’re not sure if he is anyone’s #1 target right now. Dre’s in big trouble, and so could be Ika giving some of her flip-flopping depending on how some of the votes fall. Kevin should want Karen out of the house given that she seems to hate his guts, and Jackie may be a safe person for some to boot if they want little blood on their hands.

As for Ika, she’s saying that she would like to nominate either Bruno or Neda or Neda and Jackie, but the stipulation there is that there is zero verification at present that Neda will even be eligible to put on the block. If tonight marks the start of jury, then Ika may be able to pull the trigger on the move. If not, then she’ll be stuck with regrouping and figuring out precisely what it is that she wants to do instead.

Beyond this Double Eviction, we’ve also heard that there could be a really long Head of Household Competition tonight that could be included on the live feeds. Meanwhile, the plans are to keep the feeds up through Easter Weekend. We’ve been critical of the show for their feed strategy, so with that, let’s praise them when they do something right.

Tonight, we will be back to break everything down further over at the link here. Stay tuned for more of what’s coming next. (Photo: Global.)

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