Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Ika’s confession
Today, you can argue that Ika is closer to picking a side than ever before, giving that she is finally telling Dre about The Six, the alliance that she’s been a part of for weeks now with Bruno, Kevin, Sindy, Demetres, and Neda. The timing here is no coincidence — earlier this week, Ika and Demetres discussed that now is the time to flip on the alliance. Yet, what they may not realize is that the other members of The Six have thought of them as expendable for a while, given that they brought Emily, Dillon, and Jackie much closer than they were previously.
If we were Dre, we would be feeling pretty upset over the fact that Ika held this secret from her for so long, but what choice does she have other than working with her? She knows that the power players in the house are against her, and this is a life preserver to try and stay alive a while longer. This is also information that she could use on someone like Jackie to flip her back over to her side, in the event that she does want to fight to get Dillon evicted over Emily this week.
Dre is a very entertaining player, but one of her biggest issues is that she doesn’t have many different gears when it comes to her social game. She could dig a hole for herself easily with some of this information, and make herself an easy target in the event that someone from the other side wins Head of Household. Ironically, the big winner in her potentially blowing up information is William, who could emerge from this week without a huge target on his back. That’s why we remain convinced that he nominated the right people this week. Once Dre / Ika / Demetres / Neda / Bruno / Kevin all stop battling each other, he can lay low and pick up the pieces.
To get some further news when it comes to Big Brother Canada, be sure to head over to the link here. (Photo: Global.)