Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: William’s nomination shortlist

Nomination shortlist

William was the Head of Household winner in the Big Brother Canada house last night, and now, he’s facing some extremely important decisions that could in many ways define the remainder of his whole game. The choices that he makes here are critical — he needs to make sure that his target goes home, especially if it’s someone big like Bruno. If he makes a mistake and that person stays, it could be curtains for his game.

At the moment, it does seem like the nominees that William is looking at closely include the likes of Jackie, Emily, Dillon, and Bruno, which is basically the people that we thought that he would put on the block. Dre and Ika seem to be pushing for Jackie, and we get it given that she’s a safe target that allows them more flexibility down the line. It doesn’t tip Ika’s hand one way or another, and Jackie seems to be largely unpopular in the house. If she’s gone this week, nobody will be that mad at William for making it happen.

However, in doing this it’s also possible that William just sets him up to be picked off later … provided that the alliances stay the same at present. Given that you’ve got a person from the opposite side in power this week, we do think that the deck is going to be shifted around, and we could see some new bonds form for the week. One of the interesting developments from last night is that some players seem to be aware now that Canada is starting to turn on Neda. Maybe they heard some of the cheers after she was eliminated last night during the Head of Household competition — by the way, we do think Neda’s been a little harsh this season, but the way that she was edited last night was still totally unfair and a disservice to what’s actually been going on in the game.

Anyhow, if Neda is perceived as unpopular, we could see some people in the game flip, given that you always want to try and be on Canada’s side. All of this is just so ironic given the fact that Neda got the power at the start of the season because of her popularity.

For some further news on Big Brother Canada and the live feeds, be sure to head over to the link here! We’ll have an interview with Gary Levy up a little bit later in the afternoon. (Photo: Global.)

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