Legends of Tomorrow season 2 finale spoilers: Will someone die?
In this latest batch of Legends of Tomorrow season 2 finale spoilers, we’ve got some news that may make you start to shake in your boots a little bit — we’re going to be seeing some character death happen over the course of the episode. It’s something that you just better be prepared for, and one of the things that you have to remember here is that through the lens of this show, death doesn’t always mean that you’re gone for good. There are chances that you could still turn up; take, for example, Nate getting a chance to see Amaya again during the finale when the Legends head back in time to try to change the events that happened back during “Fellowship of the Spear.” It’s there that they break one of their most-integral rules in going back to see their former selves.
Let’s get back to the subject of death for a moment. Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, executive producer Phil Klemmer sets up this story with the following:
“There will be so many deaths! It’s just nothing but death. It’s a wall-to-wall carnage. It’s a meat grinder. It’s more people that I’ve probably killed in my entire television career. It’s ridiculous.”
In some ways, though, all of the death makes some sense given that Klemmer and the rest of the producers probably are starting to get together already what some of their plans are going to be as they move into the third season. There are going to be some new team members — unfortunately, you’re not going to know about them in the finale. Consider that one of many teases for the third season.
The one person we think probably is safe in some capacity is Eobard Thawne — given that the Reverse-Flash is one of the most notorious villains for The Flash, would the producers really want to kill him off on this show? That just doesn’t feel like something that would happen. It’s at least something we don’t want to see happen.
If you want to get some other news right now when it comes to Legends of Tomorrow, be sure to head over to the link here. Tomorrow night, we’ll be back with some further coverage of not only the final episode, but also a look ahead as to what is coming on the third season of the show. (Photo: The CW.)