Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Reverse Week Veto Players
Last night, Dre and Gary were nominated by the majority of the house to be on the block. That’s the crummy thing about this twist — it allows the majority to have more power and yields little to no opportunity for the minority alliance to save themselves. One of these two can here, though, and they’ll be competing against Kevin, Neda, Emily, and William. (Bruno’s hosting, for people who actually care about Veto hosts.) Of this group, Gary has an athletic advantage, so if there’s a physical component he’s got a shot. We also do think Dre is very smart and has a good shot at this. Unfortunately, this is a pretty tough draw given that Kevin and Neda can more than hold their own while William just won the most-recent Veto and it may be necessarily for him to win here to keep him from being a possible replacement nominee.
Beyond the Veto Players, there wasn’t too much that transpired overnight beyond Ika / Demetres sharing their first kiss and it becoming increasingly clear that the two of them are being replaced in the main alliance by Dillon and Emily. Ika’s been playing multiple sides, and that’s starting to become clear to people. Meanwhile, Dillon and Emily are pretty firmly in one corner, and they haven’t done anything in order for Neda, Bruno, and Kevin to think about wanting to get them out of the game.
If you missed it yesterday, the remaining houseguests will all vote on the replacement nominee in the event that someone on the block wins the Veto. Meanwhile, the Head of Household Competition will determine the one person who gets to vote to evict. Neither of the nominees is eligible to win this.
Like we said last night, good on Big Brother Canada for trying a twist that, in certain situations, could be rather cool and exciting. The main reason it’s not here is simply because with a split house, it only seems like it’s bound to hurt one side more.
For more news related to the show and the feeds, be sure to head over here! We’ll have an interview with Cassandra Shahinfar online later this morning. (Photo: Global.)