Once Upon a Time season 6 episode 14 sneak peek: Emma’s big news

Once Upon a Time season 6 episode 14 sneak peek

Going into Once Upon a Time season 6 episode 14, it’s clear that Emma Swan is going to have some huge news — she’s engaged to Captain Hook! That’s great news for all of the Captain Swan ‘shippers out there, but there are still some obvious issues. for one, there’s the whole matter of Hook having a secret that he’s still keeping on Charming’s father.

The sneak peek below, however, doesn’t really focus on that subject at all. Instead, the main point of emphasis here is more on Emma celebrating the news. Henry, Snow, Zelena, and Regina all have a chance to congratulate her on the big revelation in her life. In the process, though, Emma makes it clear that there are no clear wedding plans on the horizon. Specifically, the big reason for that is simply a matter of there being some other big threats out there in the world that the two parties are going to have to deal with. At the center of them is Gideon, given that there’s still no telling what he’s going to do or when he’s going to strike again. It’s better off that they deal with him whenever they can so that they can start to put the focus elsewhere.

It’s too bad that Regina also has some other news that she has to hand down to Emma regarding the return of the Evil Queen. We know that she’s no longer in serpent form, and is now running around and will have to be dealt with. That’s another distraction, and it doesn’t help that she may be working on something with Robin of Loxley. Don’t you think that the two of them together are going to be a thorn in the side of everyone? You can count on it.

The end of this episode could presumably be the end of the Evil Queen story … but we doubt it. The larger reality here is that this episode is only going to unspool more and more drama. We’re also still very curious about the title, and the reference it seems to hold to a famous page from one of the author’s forgotten stories that he never got a chance to finish.

For more on the meaning of “Page 23” as a title, we recommend that you head over to the link here and read all about it right now. We’ll have a full review come Sunday night. (Photo: ABC.)

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