Big Brother Canada 5: Was Dallas Cormier or Emily Hawkin evicted?
Going into the show on the live feeds, there was actually a certain degree of doubt as to what was going to happen. While Dallas was clearly the person in the most hot water, we would say that Ika and others briefly considered a last-minute push in order to see if there was some way to keep him in the game a little bit longer. There was a lot of editing out done on the show, but we can’t be too shocked by that given that this show decided that it really needed to give us 1) an extended product-placement segment with Crest / Oral-B that was moderately-amusing at best and 2) Sindy dancing for a minute or so. Granted, they hadn’t shown Sindy for a good couple of episodes, so it was somewhat easy to forget that she even existed on this season.
Eviction Vote – Finally, we get down to brass tacks here. Dallas fought hard, and even went to pots-and-pans on the feeds in order to stir up the house enough so that people considered keeping him. He went virtually all-out, and we do applaud him for a little bit of the gumption that he showed.
Dallas, in his speech, decided for whatever reason that it’d be full to call out Sindy even though she hasn’t by our estimation been the person responsible for his demise. Maybe something happened on the feeds before the show? Anyway, Dallas is Dallas’ own worst enemy, and it’s been that way for a little while now. It’s hard to see that changing.
In the end, Dallas was evicted … and the vote was unanimous. Bye Dallas! Big Deezy is an awful player, but kudos for being crazy and entertaining. At least he was a good sport about his exit after the fact, right?
Head of Household – This was a fun soap-opera themed memory task, and the winner is … Well, you’ll have to find out Monday.
What did you think about Dallas’ eviction from the show, and about the Head of Household cliffhanger? Share now in the comments! (Photo: CBS.)