Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Week two Veto Ceremony results

Week 2 Veto winner -

The week two Veto Ceremony took place in the Big Brother Canada house early Monday morning, and it does seem as though there is one pretty understandable why to describe it: Crazy. This is what bums us out about not getting to see speeches made on the feeds!

Apparently, Dallas in the midst of being named as a replacement nominee, gave some sort of epic speech trashing Dillon, which has everyone drawing some strong reactions. Dillon’s livid that someone is speaking to him that way, and has spent most of the morning stomping and storming around the house as a result of it. He’s not altogether happy, but apparently it has to do more with looking like a chump on TV than it does anything when it comes to some of the stuff that Dallas has said about him within the game.

Basically, Dillon continues to remind us that for a boxer, he gets incredibly sensitive and upset about things in the game. He’s basically the Canadian version of Devin from season 16 — a total trainwreck, but an entertaining trainwreck and someone who’s rather fun to have around within the game. If he wasn’t there, the show would be missing something when it comes to pure wacky entertainment.

In the end, we imagine that the next few days are going to be interesting. Dallas did what he could via his speech in order to sell the other players that he is there to be a meat-shield for them and someone they can hide behind for a while. With that, the real irony here is that there are some people in the house who now think that Dallas laid it on too thick, and may have been acting in such a way in order to better mask something secret that he has going on with Dillon behind everyone’s back. There’s always that possibility – after all this is Big Brother Canada!

Messes of the week

It was a hot mess of a weekend in the Big Brother Canada house, mostly when it came to some of the back-and-forth with Cassandra, is Ika and Dallas. We do think that Ika’s probably the person who’s hurt her game the most over the past few days, mostly because she was previously in a rather-good spot and has seen some of that start to deteriorate for no other reason than that she’s had a rough time keeping quiet when she needs to. Cassandra entered the weekend in a rough spot, so there wasn’t anywhere for her to go in her game other than up.

For some further news right now when it comes to Big Brother Canada and the live feeds, be sure to head over to the link here! (Photo: Global.)

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