‘Law & Order: SVU’ season 18 may conclude with two-part finale
One of the things that is so very interesting right now when you look at “Law & Order: SVU” is that this is a show that is used to airing 24 episodes a season; yet, you look at the schedule right now and only nine have aired to date. There are a number of different reasons and components behind that, and very few of them are the fault of the people who are actually making the show. We had episodes delayed due to sporting events, or ones delayed because of other shows like “Chicago PD” airing two-hour blocks.
The one thing that we do know at the moment is this: The show’s going to have to make up for lost time, and one of the ways that they could do that is a two-hour finale, one that has a chance to explore some bigger concepts and ideas. According to what executive producer Rick Eid told The Hollywood Reporter, he and the writers are already looking at various ideas to conclude this story, including some current-day events such as the Women’s March and other protests that are going on around the country:
“We are definitely paying attention to what’s going on as people and as writers. I think that we have back-to-back episodes coming up as our finale, the last two episodes will be back-to-back, so I think we’re going to try to really find an interesting topic to explore in that episode. It’s still early but some of the things we’re talking about are definitely issues that people are discussing, marching about, venting about and have a lot of people up in arms on both sides of the dial. We try to explore these things from both sides and try to have a back-and-forth on these issues and not take a hard stand on things necessarily. I think that our last two episodes will definitely feel topical.”
Eid also noted that the status for the show’s future is still up in the air, but he remains optimistic about there being a season 19. In other words, he feels fundamentally rather similar to how we do in terms of the show eventually getting a season 19. We don’t want to say it is inevitable as to not potentially jinx the show, but it feels like the ratings are absolutely there to make it happen.
Is there anything that you would like to see explored over the course of the season 18 finale? Be sure to share some of your thoughts below.
(Photo: NBC.)