Super Bowl LI: Zac Brown Band performs ‘My Old Man’ during Fox pre-game show

Super Bowl -Super Bowl LI is going to be a night full of performances — maybe not as much as it is a night full of football or full of commercials, but there are a number of performances coming your way regardless. You’re going to have a good chance to see a number of different musical numbers, and it starts now with Zac Brown Band.

During the pre-game show tonight, we got a chance specifically to see the group give a performance of “My Old Man,” a song that they dedicated to all of the fathers that were in attendance at the game. This is also a performance that featured some footage of both Matt Ryan and Tom Brady’s own fathers — given the nature of the song, and the broadcast’s desire to not show favoritism, this does make more sense than anything else that they could have done.

It may may be a coincidence in some ways, but earlier this week, there was actually a video of Brady speaking about his father that went viral after a young kid interviewer asked him who his personal hero was. When you are one of the biggest football starts in history, there may not be many other people that you aspire to be other than your father. This is the guy who helped him to become the man that he is today.

While we may not have a company of the actual performance from the pre-game show below, you can go ahead and check out the lyric version of the song — if you enjoyed it, this does allow for a great opportunity to hear what the original recording sounds like.

Later today, there will be more country music courtesy of Luke Bryan, who is going to be performing the National Anthem for the game. Meanwhile, Lady Gaga of course will be performing the much-discussed Halftime Show.

What do you think about this particular performance? Share some of your thoughts with a comment, and be sure to head over here in the event you want to get some other news when it comes to the Super Bowl right now! (Photo: Super Bowl.)

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