‘Arrow’ season 5 spoilers: Boss teases up larger Prometheus mystery ahead

Prometheus -

The fifth season of “Arrow” is returning on The CW tonight after a little bit of a break, and with that, you better prepare for a showdown. Prometheus may have just done his most terrible move yet in tricking Oliver Queen into killing Billy Malone, but this is not someone who is anywhere close to done yet. As a matter of fact, he is going to continue to go all out in hopes of systematically destroying the Green Arrow. That doesn’t mean that he is willing to do it all at once.

In speaking to “Entertainment Tonight” in a piece highlighting the show’s return tonight, executive producer Wendy Mericle had the following to say regarding what you can expect to see, and also how much more work Prometheus has left to do to Oliver and the entire team:

“There is absolutely more to the mystery… We’ve never dealt with anybody like this. He’s really playing the long game, and it’s a very long, psychological con that he’s pulling on Oliver. He’s really smart. He’s really good at what he does. So there’s a lot more mystery to unravel in the back half of the season.”

It would be easy for us to make a huge deal out of the fact that Mericle specifically refers to Prometheus as a “he,” but we’re not reading all that much into it given that for the time being, that is the assumption anyway. He’s built like a man, and producers obviously want to point you in that direction. We’re still not calling any of the theories that the character is actually someone like Susan Williams or the upcoming Talia al Ghul completely over, though, if for no other reason than that the show could be pulling some intentional misdirection for the sake of the shock value later. (Ridiculous as it was, we did recently post an article explaining how Thea could even be the character.)

At this point, we almost expect the reveal of Prometheus to be somewhat disappointing, only because there’s been so much hype invested in the storyline and there are no logical choices as to who it could be among the big characters we already have. For the time being, we’re considering this to be so much more about the journey.

Want some further news right now when it comes to “Arrow”? Then be sure to head over here, and share some of your expectations now for Prometheus in the comments. (Photo: The CW.)

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