Golden Globes 2017: Justin Theroux, Kristen Bell, Priyanka Chopra among notable TV presenters

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Tomorrow night on NBC, the 2017 Golden Globes are going to be here! We feel like we’ve analyzed this show just about as at-length as we could analyze just about any show, so we’re almost now at the moment where the next order of business is fairly simple: Seeing the people who end up winning.

Also, we’re also getting a chance to see some other notable presenters from both film and television, but for the sake of this article, we’re only going to focus on some of the names who are currently on TV shows. Some of these people are also there for movies, but we don’t want this to suddenly get too complicated in terms of our criteria:

Kristen Bell (“The Good Place”), Priyanka Chopra (“Quantico”), Naomi Campbell (“Star”), Viola Davis (“How to Get Away with Murder”), Mandy Moore (“This Is Us”), Timothy Olyphant (the upcoming “Santa Clarita Diet”), Amy Schumer (“Inside Amy Schumer”), Justin Theroux (“The Leftovers”), Milo Ventimiglia (“This Is Us”), Sofia Vergara (“Modern Family”), Carl Weathers (“Chicago Justice”), and Reese Witherspoon and Nicole Kidman (the upcoming “Big Little Lies”).

Not a bad lineup for the TV categories this time around, no? It’s a reasonable assortment of names, and we hope that this leads more to getting a chance to see them actually get a nice share of the spotlight. We do think the Globes have done a better job of honoring TV over time rather than having it be almost the forgotten older cousin forced to sit with the kids. Sure, they do still do this occasionally with the Supporting Actor categories, but at this point we take almost any victory that we can.

Also, seeing Ventimiglia present helps to remind us of just how strange it is to not see him nominated. We’d complain about Theroux too, but the second season of “The Leftovers” did not air on HBO this year. Maybe next time with season 3.

What do you think about the list this time? Share below, and head over here to get some additional news right now regarding the Globes. (Photo: Golden Globes.)

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