‘Shark Tank’ preview: Hand Out Gloves, PolyGlide ‘ice,’ DigiWrap tissue paper, and a Mark Cuban spotlight
Tonight, “Shark Tank” is airing its holiday special, and with that, there are going to be several products themed either around the holidays or winter in general. There’s also going to be a special segment all about Mark Cuban’s life, similar to the one that we saw of Kevin O’Leary earlier this season. If you appreciate getting to know more of the personal side of the Sharks, odds are you will enjoy these segments. We’ve already heard a little bit about Cuban’s life on the show (and we’ve been a Mavs fan since before he even bought the team), so there’s a good bit of this we’ve had a chance to hear already, but any time we can learn more about Mark, we are happy for it!
Below, we’ve got descriptions of three out of the four products featured on tonight’s show; we don’t have a sneak peek as of yet for the fourth, so we’re preparing to do something a little bit different with it a little later in the day. Of course, we’ll be back later with a full review of tonight’s episode; this article will updated with a link when it’s online!
Update: We’ve also now got a preview of the Cuban segment at the bottom of the article.
Update 2: Head over here to read our full review for tonight’s episode!
Hand Out Gloves – This is one of those super-simple ideas that could prove to be rather genius depending on how effective the guys at the center of the brand are about marketing it. The name speaks for itself: They’re gloves with a zippable component that allows you to free up your hands for various tasks, such as checking your phone or simply releasing a little bit of heat so that you don’t have to remove your entire glove. That’s a pretty novel concept, no? We like that they’ve got several different tiers, which means that they’re not just limiting this to a specific income bracket and are allowing the consumer to choose based on their level of usage.
One other thing that is interesting is that they are asking for both equity and a loan upon entering the Tank, which is something that we don’t see all that often.
PolyGlide Synthetic Ice – The company replicates the feeling of being on an ice rink without having to use any actual ice! It’s a chance to have hockey or ice-skating practice without leaving the comfort of your own basement or your patio. The idea is certainly a cool one — we’re not someone who can even stand up straight on ice skates, so we really cannot tell you if this is something that exists out there in other forms. What we would assume is that there is a solid market out there for something like this, especially for parents who have a kid interested in something like hockey who don’t live necessarily in an area where they can go out and play it (i.e. most of the country).
DigiWrap – Finally, we’re looking at a company here who specializes in creating tissue paper and bags that you can customize to your given specifications. It allows for something far more creative than just going to the dollar store and picking this stuff up. Sure, it costs a little more than doing that, but it’s the wrapping a fun part of the gift giving experience? We absolutely see where the inspiration behind the product is coming from. Sometimes, it’s as much about the feeling that you’re cared for as it is the actual gift. Also, we’re in an age where people customize just about everything, so this is coming at just the right time.
For some other highlights from “Shark Tank” this season, be sure to head over to the link here. Also, be sure to leave us a comment in the box below and tell us which product you are most interested in. (Photo: ABC.)