‘Empire’ season 3, episode 8 video: Business, politics collide for Jamal

Empire -On this past episode of “Empire,” we saw what was in many ways a collision course like never before as Cookie Lyon and two of her sons got a chance to meet Angela Dubois’ mother Diane for the first time. She is a smart, powerful woman, and as it turns out also an incredibly intimidating one who does everything that she can in order to get what she wants.

Hopefully, this is something that we’re going to get a little bit of a chance to see more of on Wednesday night’s new episode — and judging from the sneak peek below, it does certainly seem like we’re heading in this direction! Diana and Helene ask Jamal to perform at a fundraiser, and this almost immediately puts him in a tricky position.

Let’s put it like this: Obviously, he would want to support his mother in any way possible given that he loves her and wants her to be happy. However, at the same exact time, performing at political functions is dicey since it effectively means that you’re making a stand on key issues, and some people in your audience may choose to disagree on that in some way. That could cause you to lose some fans. It all comes down to whether or not you’re willing to run that risk for the sake of either having your thoughts heard or making other people happy.

While this could be tough for Jamal, we love that the show is going here given that these are real issues that artists face, and Jussie Smollett always deserves as an actor the most complicated scenarios possible to play.

If you are so inclined to get some other news right now regarding “Empire,” just be sure to head over here to read some further news in regards to the current season. (Photo: Fox.)

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