‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 10 spoilers: Christopher Lloyd appearance coming shortly

Big Bang Theory -We knew that “The Big Bang Theory” was going to be blessed with an appearance by one Christopher Lloyd this season. What we didn’t know, however, was that this appearance was going to be coming up on the series a little bit earlier than we initially thought.

Lloyd will be making his much-anticipated appearance on Thursday night’s new episode entitled “The Property Division Collision,” as revealed by CBS in a press release this afternoon. All we know from that, however, is that his character is named Theodore — which makes us of course wonder if this episode will also be featuring appearances from the likes of Alvin and Simon.

Meanwhile, the synopsis below for said episode offers up a little more information regarding what you can expect to see in terms of the story:

“Sheldon and Leonard try to divvy up their shared belongings, but can’t agree on anything. Also, Koothrappali and Stuart fight to be the most helpful during Bernadette’s final weeks of pregnancy.”

Reading this does make us wonder if Bernadette could be giving birth before the end of the year, which could make some sense given when we first learned about it earlier in the spring. Maybe Theodore is some sort of doctor? Regardless, we’re sure his appearance will be exciting, while at the same time leave us excited and/or anxious to go watch “Back to the Future.”

As for Sheldon and Leonard, our guess is that their story is mostly coming as a result of Sheldon moving out and moving in with Amy — hopefully this isn’t too much trouble given that they’re still just across the hall from each other, but we still have a feeling that it will be far more of a hassle than it needs to be. This is Sheldon we’re talking about here!

If you missed it, you can read our full review of the most-recent “Big Bang Theory” episode just by heading over to the link here now! (Photo: CBS.)

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