‘Big Brother: Over the Top’: What to know as finale nears
Come Thursday night, the first season of “Big Brother: Over the Top” will be coming to a close on CBS All Access, though we can probably save you most of the trouble now in telling you that Jason Roy is going to win. In some ways, you can call this a great victory for the show in that they have one of their biggest characters and game-players likely taking home the title; the problem is that this vote’s probably going to be such a landslide that we get the feeling that unless you’re a Jason fan, it’s probably going to be a really boring finale.
This is the problem with this format in particular. If you love Jason, it made sense to want someone like Shelby out, given that she is very competitive and a person with a ton of fans. Unfortunately, in doing so it’s led to a really predictable finale — Morgan will get votes, but barely enough to even be in striking distance. With Justin, it’ll be an even bigger blowout. It’s similar to season 16 in a way, where it was clear that no matter what happened with the final three, Derrick was probably going to make it to the end and win without any real drama.
The show does need to figure out something to make its final week more exciting, but we want to go ahead and give you a timeline now for some of the major events you should know about if you’re planning to watch.
Tomorrow night, 5:00 p.m. Big Brother Time – There will be a chance to see the final competition between Justin and Morgan to determine who will make it to the final three. Whoever wins this will be largely dependent on what the challenge is. If there’s a physical component, Justin has a shot; if it involves remembering things that happened over the course of the season, he’s toast. There will be an eviction following this of the fourth-place houseguest
Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. BBT – Voting opens to determine the winner!
Wednesday, 5:00 p.m. BBT – The finalists will make their case to you, the voters! We don’t quite understand why in the world we’re getting that after voting opens, but okay.
Thursday, 1:00 p.m. BBT – Voting closes for the winner.
Thursday, 5:00 p.m. BBT – The finale will air LIVE!
As always, be sure to head over here right now to get some other news / insight on “Big Brother.” (Photo: CBS.)