‘Once Upon a Time’ season 6, episode 9 video: Rumple lays on the ‘charm’

Evil Queen -We’ve got a new episode of “Once Upon a Time” season 6 coming our way on ABC Sunday night, and judging from the sneak peek below, we’re going to be getting quite a bit of interesting content on the horizon!

In the latest sneak peek below via ABC, you can effectively see Robert Carlyle’s character once again doing everything he can in order to properly manipulate the Evil Queen into doing what he wants, which includes murdering Zelena to ensure there are fewer people standing in the way of what his desired happy ending really is. We know that he wants control over Storybrooke, and at the same time, he’s also very much intent on having that same control over Belle’s child. If he sees Zelena as a threat, then it’s best to find a way to get rid of her.

So with the Evil Queen, what he sees here is in his mind a perfect opportunity for a test, to see if she is either on his side and on the road to destruction, or if she is more interested in allowing that tiny part of innocence within her to reign supreme. If it is the latter, then it will be pretty clear that he will have no use for the Queen and he can move forward.

In the end, we do think that this story could end up proving to be a testament precisely as to how tragic the Queen’s life really is, given that as Regina, she was played relentless by Cora, who eventually pushed her down the path to darkness. from there, she may also now be subject to a great deal of long-term pain due to Rumple’s manipulations.

If you are interested in getting some other news on “Once Upon a Time,” be sure to head over to the link here for another sneak peek!

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