‘Once Upon a Time’ season 6, episode 8 spoilers: Could the Evil Queen turn Henry?

Regina -Sunday night’s upcoming episode of “Once Upon a Time” is entitled “I’ll Be Your Mirror,” and to us, probably the biggest disappointment of all is merely that Giancarlo Esposito isn’t going to be making an appearance. (He’s at least not among the listed guest cast.) How can you have an episode all about mirrors without a shout-out to Sidney Glass? We want to believe it’s because he’s off filming “Better Call Saul,” but we don’t actually know if that is the case.

Anyhow, this upcoming episode is going to provide us some opportunities to see how Emma and Regina plan to use mirrors to their advantage, almost as though the two of them are doing their best impression of the villain Mirror Master from “The Flash.” We imagine that there’ll be some rather-bizarre twists in here, but one thing that is very much trouble is that we’re going to see the Evil Queen try to turn Henry against his own mother, likely feeling that this is one of the best ways to break both Emma and Regina. What’s the one thing the two of them care about more than anything else? This could be enough to distract the two of them.

Take a look at the just-released synopsis courtesy of ABC:

“Emma and Regina formulate a plan to trap the Evil Queen in a prison of their own making, while Snow and David adjust to life without each other. As Henry nervously prepares to take Violet to the school dance, the Evil Queen impersonates Regina to give him some advice that could lead him down a dark path. Meanwhile, Zelena agrees to help Belle, and together they enlist Aladdin to steal a magical object from Mr. Gold that could protect Belle and her unborn child from him forever.”

The one major concern we have with this episode is the same concern we have roughly with the entire season to date; namely, it is that the show doesn’t really have a defined endgame now for the Evil Queen now that she’s instituted the curse on both Snow and Charming. At times it feels like the show is too afraid to descend too far into darkness, thinking that they could scare off some younger viewers.

Want more news when it comes to “Once Upon a Time”? Then be sure to head over to this link right away to see a promo for this episode! (Photo: ABC.)

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