‘The Vampire Diaries’ season 8 video: Bonnie and Stefan search for Damon, Enzo
With the premiere of “The Vampire Diaries” season 8 coming to The on October 21, The CW is starting to get a little more kind when it comes to releasing material on it — and that includes the longer promo below!
Even before watching this, you more than likely know what some of the stakes are entering the final episodes, specifically when it comes to the characters of Damon and Stefan. Whatever happened in the vault transformed the two of them into monsters / killing machines, and it is up to everyone else to figure out precisely what happened and also if there is a way to adequately stop the madness.
As you would assume, though, this is going to be far easier said than done. In this promo you can see that Bonnie has joined up with Stefan in the search, which makes some sense given both her history with the two characters and also her predisposition at this point to dealing with danger. Before the series ends, we do want to see all of the characters involved in one way or another in the main story, mostly because unifying everyone at this point seems to be a smart move. Also, everyone was a little fractured when the show ended season 7 in between Caroline and Alaric going their separate ways and Matt adopting his own philosophy on vampires.
We have to assume there will be some more previews where this one came from; therefore, stay tuned and be on the lookout for more!