‘Chicago PD’ season 4 spoilers: First look at Burgess’ new partner

Chicago PD -

The fourth season of “Chicago PD” is only a little more than a week away, and there are many exciting things coming up for it! You’ve got chances for new relationships, compelling new cases, and of course many great crossovers. To go along with all of that, there will also be a new character in Julie Tay (Li Jun Li) entering the mix. The “Quantico” actress will be appearing in the first few episodes and potentially longer as Burgess’ new potential partner, who comes in after her brief relationship with Roman and subsequently his departure from the force.

In describing this character, and the sort of arc that is coming up for her, executive producer Matt Olmstead said the following to Entertainment Weekly (who also first posted the image above):

“We have Tay coming in with her baggage … It’s a story that was told to me by a female cop, who dated a captain and when the relationship went south, the captain went into punitive mode and moved her; she was a patrolmen to like the worst district. Tay’s got a brick on her for the last year, writing parking tickets in front of the courthouse, and just trying to survive and hope this goes away. As it turns out, it takes a couple episodes and help from other people on the show to get that brick off of her, but she’s relieved to be a cop once again.”

The unfortunate thing is that Tay’s story is likely one that is true for many cops out there who are punished because of a relationship gone south, so it’s nice to see a human element in this story … even if it is not so nice for the character to go through that. Luckily, she’s entering a precinct that is very much a family, even if they do have their myriad of issues.

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