‘Saturday Night Live’ re-watch: Watching Ryan Gosling break character is still glorious

SNL -Tonight, NBC is re-airing an episode of “Saturday Night Live” from fairly early on in season 41; if you’re a Ryan Gosling fan and you haven’t seen it yet, maybe it’s worth checking out again in full.

If you’ve already seen it, maybe you can just watch the clip below again, since this really is a good microcosm of everything and you’ll also laugh your face off in the process. This is the “Close Encounter” sketch from the show, which is one that proved to be an amazing showcase for Kate McKinnon as she tells the incredibly bizarre (but wonderful) story of her abduction by aliens. This is one of those rare times where a single cast member is in COMPLETE control of an entire sketch, and everyone else is merely along for the ride. You start to see Ryan break character, and from there it’s really all over as everyone else struggles to keep it together.

Now, is it a good or a bad thing when this sort of move happens? We know that there are some differences of opinion out there on the subject. Personally, we don’t think that it is anywhere near as bad as some people would suggest, mostly because it happens so rarely on “SNL” that it serves as a nice signal that something is truly funny and that the actors aren’t just trying to lead you on and force you into going along for the ride.

If this happened often, than we do certainly believe that it would be an entirely different story.

If you want to get some other news right now when it comes to “Saturday Night Live,” be sure to head over to the link here! Meanwhile, sign up over here in the event you want some other TV news on everything we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: NBC.)

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