‘Big Brother 18’ live feed spoilers: The Final Four alliance; Paul the pawn
Even though the nomination ceremony has not yet happened in the “Big Brother 18” house, this is starting to feel like one of those situations where it is fairly easy to project exactly what is going to be taking place.
This afternoon during multiple conversations, we ultimately saw Paul openly accept the role as pawn, feeling fairly confident in the process that Nicole had his best interest at heart when it comes to getting Michelle out of the game this week. For the most part, we do believe that his gut feeling is right here given that it helps to mask their alliance, while at the same exact time this gives him a guaranteed opportunity to play for the Veto.
Plus, Paul likely knows that he is in a fairly precarious position in the house, and if he were to fight Nicole and Corey harder on this, there is a reasonably good chance that he could end up going home in the end.
Now, if he does manage to win the Power of Veto and take himself off the block, that makes things a little bit more interesting given that Nicole could either nominate Victor, or take a bigger swing at a James or a Natalie. Ultimately, she probably feels pretty comfortable with the way that the numbers stack up this week. Even if James and Natalie stay off of the block, she is going to have the votes in order to evict Michelle since she can break a two-two tie. The only way things could go awry is for her own plan to change, since Paul and Victor clearly are not going to split up at this point and Corey’s got no interest in going rogue. For now, Paul and Victor have an alliance with NiCorey entitled the Final Four. Kind of boring name, right?
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