‘Shark Tank’ revisited: Nerdwax, Foot Cardigan, Honeyfund, Two Guys Bow Ties, ValPark Mobile

Shark Tank -Tonight on “Shark Tank,” we’re getting a chance to spotlight products that, by and large, we haven’t looked at in months. That makes this episode especially exciting. The last time we did analyze this episode, it was all the way back in December mere months after it first aired. There’s been a lot of time in there for these businesses to sink or swim, and evolve beyond what they once were.

As per usual with any “Shark Tank” article we do, you can click on the product names below to be directed over to their website. As a consumer, you’re really the one partially in control of these businesses’ success.

Foot Cardigan – These guys know socks, and there’s still going strong. While we don’t know specifics about their success level, the subscription service continues to introduce new ideas. Also, they’ve got socks themed around the Presidential election and even specific cities. We do think ridiculous socks are still a hot trend, mostly because it marks a great opportunity for people to express individuality even if they have to hide them under their slacks at work.

ValPark Mobile – The last time we wrote about the business, we were somewhat critical of what looked like a lack of growth or social-media activity in the product. However, that’s changed significantly now. A Forbes article states that even without a deal, the parking-based app company had more than $1 million in sales and over $280,000 in profits for 2015 alone. They may not be everywhere in America as of yet, but they’re showing that they don’t really need to be.

Two Guys Bow Tie – We’ll say this: On a personal level, we’ve warned up significantly to the concept of wooden bow ties since the last time we saw them. We do still think it takes a very specific person to look good with them; maybe that’s not us, but we understand the idea. (Personally, we envision most of the city of Portland in these.) They’ve expanded their product line greatly since the show, and there are even more things beyond bow ties and fedoras that you can now buy. Growth is always a reasonable sign of success, so kudos to them.

Nerdwax – There’s a Shopify interview out there with creator Don Hejny where he talks about turning this into a million-dollar company despite turning down offers in the Tank. While some companies (like the aforementioned bow ties) benefit from new lines and ideas, this is a case of keeping it simple. These little tubes solve a problem for active people with glasses, and that’s all it needs to do. So long as it continues to fight potential competition and promote itself, there’s no reason for it to be anything other than a healthy business.

Honeyfund – The honeymoon-funding website is one that’s been featured both here and on “Beyond the Tank,” and there’s a brief update segment during this episode. They’ve revamped some of their web presence, and as a part of Kevin O’Leary’s “Shark Tank” empire, they’re doing more than fine.

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