‘Power’ season 3, episode 3 video: Jamie tries to reassure Angela

Power -The third season of “Power” has brought us so far further evidence that Jamie, at his core, is really Ghost. He may try to avoid it for at least a short period of time, but in the end, the truth always ekes its way out of his subconscious. Of course, there is a difference between this happening and him actually telling someone else about it.

In the sneak peek below, things start off in a pretty playful way as you see Jamie with Angela exercising outside. The two are clearly enjoying having more of an open, flirty relationship, and they are dealing with normal problems. For example, Angela’s nervous about how things went with Jamie’s kids, and he encourages her that in time they will become a great family unit.

However, we get a sense of a subtle shift in here when Angela asks about how he had to leave so quickly for the club the night before, but he insists that everything went well and that he’s got the situation “on lock.” Well, we already know that is not the case. He’s extremely concerned still about the specter of Lobos, now that he is aware that he out there. Even in prison and potentially up for a John Doe trial, this man could prove himself to be a significant threat.

Of course, this is without even mentioning Kanan. This character has been dormant for the first two episodes of the season, but we would expect a major eruption to be coming up soon.

Interested in scoring some other “Power” scoop? Then be sure to head over here, since that’s where you can read our full review for this past episode of the series! Also, sign up over here in the event you want some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our official CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Starz.)

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