John Oliver reacts to Brexit decision on ‘Last Week Tonight’
If you recall, last week John Oliver devoted the majority of his “Last Week Tonight” broadcast to Brexit, the potential exit of Great Britain from the European Union, for what was a fairly funny and also informative segment for people in America. Yet, it was also controversial, as there were many who were for the departure of Britain who felt as though his view was slanted and without evidence as to possible benefits of the decision.
Well, since the British public actually voted to depart from the EU, the market has so far suggested that Oliver was right about the negatives outweighing the positives. That man change, but we’re not an economist, nor are we an expert in Brexit policies. We mostly view “Last Week Tonight” from a comedy standpoint, but on last night’s show he did take the time following the decision to issue what he viewed to be a warning to America:
“You might think, ‘Well that is not going to happen to us in America. We’re not going to listen to some ridiculously haired buffoon, peddling lies and nativism in the hopes of riding a protest vote into power.’ Well let Britain tell you, it can happen, and when it does, there are no f—–g do-overs.”
Oliver is obviously talking about many of the articles suggesting that the Brexit vote is good for someone like Donald Trump, who could be elected this coming November in the General Election. The parallels there are apparent, but it’s not entirely one-for-one; also, there is no guarantee that this will happen. There’s no real benefit for us of going further down that road; what remains mostly interesting about Oliver’s tone last night is that it is one of the closest things we’ve seen him give to a warning on his show.