‘Major Crimes’ season 5 scores extend episode order

Major Crimes -

TNT has a thing for giving “Major Crimes” many more episodes than they were originally planning to. When the show was first renewed for the fifth season, it did so with only 13 episodes guaranteed. However, TVLine now confirms that an additional eight have been picked up, which means that we are looking at a 21-episode season.

As alluded to, this is far from the first time we’ve seen this happen with the show. For season 4, we eventually saw the order increased to a whopping 23 after being originally set at 18, and executive producer James Duff used some of that extra space in order to tell the serialized “Hindsight” storyline, something that we really enjoyed from the standpoint of ambition. However, at the same time we’ll concede that there are some people out there who probably prefer this show more when it is doing precisely what they know it to do.

We definitely do understand the logic for giving this show in particular some more kicks at the can, given that it can cultivate episodes easier than some other shows, and for TNT especially, it makes a little bit of sense to continue to use it as a utility player during the winter months to deliver solid ratings and bolster their lineup. They have gotten away at times from their crime TV focus, but they still rely on this show to set the pace for much of everything else that they are doing.

Want to get some other news right away when it comes to “Major Crimes”? Then be sure to head over to the link here right now! We’ll have a preview for the next new episode over the weekend.

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