‘Game of Thrones’ season 6, episode 10 (finale) spoilers: ‘The Winds of Winter’ arrive for Emilia Clarke, cast

Dany -

Tonight, “Game of Thrones” gave us what may be the episode so many were hoping for in “The Battle of the Bastards.” It was intense, twisted, well-executed, and above all fantastic entertainment. We saw the arrival of Theon and Yara Greyjoy in Meereen, and at the same time, one of the most epic battles in the history of the show at Winterfell between Ramsay Bolton and Jon Snow’s respective armies. This was an hour of television so huge, it’s going to be hard for HBO to follow it up.

Well, they’re going to do their best next week with “The Winds of Winter,” what could end up being a fantastic hour and ten minutes to send the show off until 2017. There are no specifics out there in terms of a synopsis, other than an Emmy teaser featuring Lena Headey. That’s all we have to go on, sadly, for the time being.

Yet, given how little is left of the series, isn’t it fair to say that this may be the biggest finale in show history?

Update: We’ve now got the preview below, and this definitely makes it clear that Dany is in the game now. Meanwhile, Cersei’s trial at the hands of the High Sparrow looks to be the main event at King’s Landing, and based on what we’ve seen so far, we have to wonder whether or not the rumors of wildfire are in fact true. There’s certainly something that she is looking for answers to at King’s Landing, and we’d be crazy to not at least question whether or not this could be it.

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