‘Person of Interest’ season 5 spoilers: First look at final episodes

It’s hard to think about and it is certainly sad, but there are only three episodes of “Person of Interest” still to air. By this time in a few weeks, we’ll be left to sit back and reflect on precisely everything that we’ve had an opportunity to see over the course of the year.

The first thing that we should give you is a quick reminder when it comes to the schedule. After spending several weeks airing on Mondays and Tuesdays, the series is going to be shifting back to a Tuesday-only format for the rest of the season. Given that there is a lot of competition on Monday night, we’re more than fine with that in an effort to give the show the strongest ratings possible.

Below, we’ve got short synopses for you for the final episodes of the season; while these are not particularly chock full of spoilers, they do make it clear that Finch, Reese, Fusco, and Shaw will be making it to the series finale alive.

“.Exe” (June 14) – “As Reese and Shaw race to catch up with Finch, he infiltrates a maximum-security government facility in a desperate mission which could mean the end for not only Samaritan, but for himself and The Machine as well.”

“Return 0” (June 21) – “Finch, Reese, Fusco and Shaw embark on one last mission to prevent Samaritan from destroying The Machine and cementing its hold over mankind.”

Ultimately, it feels as though “Person of Interest” is ultimately ending in the way that it should, with Team Machine facing off against Samaritan one final time. It’s all that it should be in the world.

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