‘The Bachelorette’ spotlight: Will Peter Medina bring out JoJo Fletcher’s adventurous side?

Peter -There are a number of contestants on “The Bachelorette” this season that will stand out right away, and many of them are of the variety where they will last a few weeks and then go home. The contestants without many of the gimmicks tend to fall into two different camps: Either they go home really early and are totally forgotten, or last a long time and potentially win. Pete Medina is the sort of guy who will likely be either/or this season. He seems fairly down-to-earth and not interested so much in the fame; since he doesn’t have a gimmick, though, he’ll have to work in overtime to impression JoJo Fletcher.

For more on him, take a look at our spotlight below.

Name – Peter Medina

Age – 26

Occupation – Staffing agency manager. It’s a normal job by most accounts. It’s not exciting enough to be mentioned on TV most likely, but he makes money!

Location – Chicago, Illinous. JoJo is from Dallas, so they have some big-city commonality. Chicago is a hotbed for many contestants these days.

Pros – He’s got a little bit of a childhood spirit as he’s a fan of dinosaurs, and he has this thrill for adventure and travel that could be exciting to JoJo. He also claims to be a good cook in his bio; who doesn’t love a good cook? We do think that his job could qualify him in a unique way for this show, mostly because he is used to handling a wide array of personalities on a regular basis.

Cons – He’s not going to arrive on the scene and make a huge name for himself. This is an under-the-radar guy when you think about all of the alphas that are there, and he’s going to have to be very competitive. We’re just not sure he’s flashy enough.

Most likely to… Not even show up for the first three episodes of the season.

Final assessment – Peter’s the ghost contestant of the season. We think JoJo will like him, but he probably won’t get the time with her needed and be heading back to Chicago before we get to a point in the season where people start to remember who he is.

Interested in some more spotlights for this season of “The Bachelorette”? Then be sure to head over to this link to see them right now! Also, sign up over here right away to get some further updates when it comes to all we cover, sent right over to you weekly via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: ABC.)

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