‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feeds: The final moments leading to ‘surprise eviction’
Given that there was some action on the “Big Brother Canada” live feeds since our previous article earlier today, we wanted to at least give the show one last send-off here in terms of updates before we get around to some other show-related content before the finale.
Before the feeds went down, we heard Arisa Cox announce to the houseguests that there is a special eviction that is taking place today. Basically, this means that either Tim or Cassandra was booted from the game. Really, Cassandra knew that she was the one to likely go, and with that she spent her final day frustrated, upset, and also a little bit angry with Tim. While he’s played a really strong game socially this year, the one thing that we do really worry about with him is if he underestimated how he could make people angry going out the door. He made them all feel like he was really carefree all season long, when the reality here is that he wanted to be at the end and win more so than anyone. He’s been able to survive now several times without winning competitions, even if he has on occasion, as well.
By this time, we imagine that Cassandra is already gone, and the first part of the final Head of Household will be played soon. There are some interesting deals that can get done over the next few days, but unfortunately we’re not going to have a real shot to see any of them on the feeds.
With that, farewell feedsters! We’ll be back in the summer for “Big Brother 18.” Also, we’ll have more features and interviews when it comes to the show all week long.
Want to get some other news when it comes to “Big Brother Canada” right now? Then be sure to head over here right now for some other updates! Also, sign up over here to get some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)
May 9, 2016 @ 5:04 pm
I haven’t been able to see the feeds. But surely Cass could have convinced Kelsey to evict Tim over her, her best argument being that she sucks at competitions and will never win the final HOH?
Also thanks for the updates Matt. Been a fan since I heard you on RHAP. Hope to see your blog increase in popularity over the summer. Can’t wait for BB18!!
Matt Carter
May 9, 2016 @ 7:20 pm
You’d think so yea! But Tim is really good and has convinced all of them that he’d never win and may not even want to.