‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feeds: When will the Power of Veto winner be revealed?
In case you are wondering, this “Big Brother Canada” update is a little bit different than some of the others we’ve written about as of late. Think of it more as confirmation of something good before the feeds go down for good that we will know who won the Power of Veto winner.
The show has already confirmed on social media that the feeds will be down the majority of the night, but it is because the final four are taking part in what may be a pretty epic Veto. From here, we imagine that there will be an eviction taped sometime over the coming days, and from there, it’ll be all about preparing for the finale on Thursday.
If you missed it, Phil and Nick are Head of Household, and while it’s not 100% confirmed, you can go ahead and pencil in both Tim and Cassandra as nominees. If one of them wins the Veto, they’ll get to decide who goes home between the other nominee and Kelsey. If Kelsey wins, the nominations stay the same; meanwhile, if Phil wins, he’ll probably let Kelsey decide who to send to jury. There is a final three truce of sorts that was created with Tim, but who knows that they will go through with that?
Anyhow, we’ll save our great send-off for the feeds when they are actually over for the season, but for now, a brief thank-you to everyone for reading! This season has felt relatively fast compared to some others; maybe that is because the U.S. show has become such a lengthy slog.
Interested in getting some other news right now when it comes to the “Big Brother Canada” feeds, and also our full interview with Joel from earlier today? Then head over to the link here. Also, sign up over at the link here to score some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: Global.)