‘Big Brother Canada 4’ review: Joel, Tim, and the Veto Competition debate
Did Joel really want to win the Veto Competition on “Big Brother Canada” Wednesday night? That’s a question that we’ve wondered over the course of the past few days since it was played on the feeds, and it now feels at least like we have a slightly clearer answer to that.
Basically, we got the sense that Joel wanted to win, but he did a pretty poor job of relaying to both Cassandra and Tim what this said plan was going to be when he got to the final round. Therefore, Tim was confused about what he was doing, and decided that he needed to win the Veto to secure his own safety in the game. With that, Joel went up as the replacement nominee, and put himself in danger of going home.
The first thing we gotta say other than this is that isn’t it ironic that this show decided to promote on it “UnREAL,” a program that basically exposes all of the terrible things done by reality TV producers? Sure, it’s skewering a different show in “The Bachelor,” but reality TV is reality TV, at least to a certain extent.
Overall, there were two problems with the episode that run the gamut from irritating to somewhat shocking. First, the fact that the first 15 or so minutes were utterly useless when it comes to giving us any information of great importance. Then, we also had the edit of Joel versus the edit of Tim. Yes, we also feel sorry for Joel, but to an extent much of his situation is of his own doing. Tim hasn’t really been mean for the sake of being a jerk; he’s just trying to play the game. Episode Grade: B-.
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