Is ‘Supergirl’ new tonight? The latest on season 2 hopes

Supergirl -It would make some sense if you assumed that “Supergirl” would be returning to CBS with a new episode tonight. After all, just remember that most network shows run for 22 episodes a season, and this one has only aired 20.

So what gives here? Well, the network decided a while back that there would only be 20 episodes this season, an interesting decision given that there were clearly a few weeks still that they could have put more stories on the air. It’s hard to get inside the head of the network for this decision; we thought maybe it had to do at first with the late start this season, but shows like “Grimm” have still managed to do a full 22. Heck, “Elementary” is still doing 24 despite its own late start.

What we were hoping to have some more news about today is whether or not the show will get a second season, but still, nothing has been confirmed. In case you’re wondering just how long CBS has until they need to make a decision, Media Village reports that May 18 is the network’s upfront presentation. They like to have schedules roughly set by then, so we figure that a renewal announcement will happen a few days before then.

At the moment, what we know is that there have definitely been talks between Warner Bros. and CBS on picking the show starring Melissa Benoist and Chyler Leigh up for a season 2; nothing is concerned just yet, but we remain optimistic that good news will come our way over the weeks ahead. While the ratings are somewhat middle-of-the-road for scripted dramas these days, the show has a big social following and is popular globally.

If you do want to get some other news right now on “Supergirl,” head over to the link here. Also, sign up over here to get some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)

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