‘Big Brother Canada 4’ live feed spoilers: The Power of Veto winner and fallout

Big Brother -The Power of Veto Competition was held as always on “Big Brother Canada” this afternoon, and the sentiment here (at least to us) is fairly clear. If the brothers lose, then we expect the remainder of the week to be fairly predictable. However, if they win, then things go to hell in a handbasket. We suppose it’s also possible that some craziness happens if someone like Jared wins, but he’d be taking a big risk.

Well, we do know now that Phil (specifically) did win the Veto today, but it was hardly that much of a surprise since it doesn’t really sound like everyone else wanted to deal with the punishments that came with winning it. After all, the brothers now both have terrible haircuts, and also have to split time throughout the week in a skunk costume. Meanwhile, Cassandra has to act as a maid-of-sorts for the house, Jared has to dunk himself in some sort of nasty water, and Joel’s not allowed to shower. Basically it seems as though the whole goal here was to just make people as smelly as possible.

As for what the future plans are for Cassandra, that’s still not entirely clear. Tim has tried to convince her hard to go along with nominated Jared and getting him out of the game, saying that it’s a move that she can really point to if she makes it to the end. If he’s up, then both Tim and Joel will evict him, and it doesn’t really matter what the brothers or Kelsey do. Cassandra is the person who can ultimately break the tie.

In the end, this will probably set up a fairly interesting next few days. We’ll see what happens.

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