‘Madam Secretary’ season 2, episode 21 video: A longer look at ‘Connection Lost’

Secretary -Sunday night’s new episode of “Madam Secretary” is just over a day away from airing, and we’re going to have a chance to see the Henry story really heat up in a variety of different ways. President Dalton is going to send his “Murphy Station” team of Henry, Jane, and Jose off on a mission to take down a dangerous terrorist, and the sneak peek below is seemingly more of a precursor to that than anything else. It’s simply, quiet, and relatively domestic.

In other words, this is the calm before a potential storm that could lead us into the end of this season.

Do we believe that this episode is going to be dramatic and then some? Absolutely, given that we’ve already gotten plenty of indications that this will set up events in the final episodes of the season. Also, it’s an episode where Elizabeth and Henry are going to work on their relationship in some capacity, as they plan to receive a little bit of counseling. Don’t take that necessarily as a sign that the relationship is on the rocks. Instead, they just may want to ensure that things are shored up given everything that is coming, from conflicts to dangerous situations to potential time apart. There are some busy, complicated stories still left to tell this season.

As always, be sure to stay tuned. We’ll have some further updates on this episode and so much more moving forward. That’ll include a preview for the penultimate episode after “Connection Lost” reaches its conclusion.

Curious as to get some more news on “Madam Secretary”? Then be sure to head over to the link here right now! Also, sign up over here to get some other TV news on all we cover, sent right over to you via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photo: CBS.)


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