‘Game of Thrones’ season 6 gives you one more epic promo

Tyrion -As soon as one door closes seemingly for great TV, another one opens. We’re just now starting to say goodbye to “Better Call Saul” for the remainder of this year, but luckily “Game of Thrones” is coming to HBO on Sunday o help to make us feel better. The sixth season has been hotly-anticipated for a wide variety of reasons, but all you need to know before watching the new 30-second promo below is that the show looks every bit as epic as it has been in the past, and that is very much a good thing.

We’re not going to say that there is a mountain of new footage in this promo, mostly because there’s not. There are a series of little clips that we’ve seen before, but that’s largely it. Still, it’s packaged together in a way where the old feels somewhat-new again, and it’s a reminder of just how much the show is valuing Bran Stark entering this season. Given the enigma surrounding the Bran story, thanks in part to him having such mysterious powers, we understand why the level of excitement is what it is.

Of course, we do know that Jon Snow is the one element of this season people are the most curious about, and who knows? Maybe we’ll get some answers on that in the premiere … but you better believe HBO is not going to bother giving anyone some further information before then. Stay tuned, as we’ll have some further scoop as it comes out.

Interested in getting some other news right now when it comes to “Game of Thrones”? Then be sure to head over here to see some further scoop and so much more!

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