‘Gotham’ season 2, episode 19 preview: The Theo Galavan drama in ‘Azrael’
Let’s start this “Gotham” preview with what has to be the big headline at the moment: The arrival of Theo Galavan (back) to the world of the show. We knew that Professor Strange was up to some crazy tricks with all of his experiments, but this? Let’s just say that even this was beyond our personal expectations for what he was going to do when we first heard about the character. It’s also possible that this could lead to some other surprises and experiments moving forward.
“Azrael” is the title for the next new episode airing on Monday, May 2 (yep, there’s a week off in here); as for what to expect, the synopsis below offers up a few more details:
“Gordon and Bruce question Professor Strange about Project Chimera, which leads Strange to send the newly resurrected Galavan to confront Gordon. Meanwhile, Nygma investigates who Professor Strange.”
Basically, this sounds like an awesome episode for B.D. Wong, who has been doing some great work over the course of the season so far as this character.
As for the promo below, it’s all sorts of awesome. It’s a chance to really see the show’s take on Azrael, which we do enjoy so far, and also Bruce Wayne dishing out the warnings like nobody’s business. This is going to be a chaotic episode for sure, but that is going to be a big part of the fun.
We will have some further news on all things “Gotham” in the near future; stay tuned!
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