‘Arrow’ season 4 spoilers: The long-term ramifications of losing Laurel
As of late, we’ve certainly been in a time when shows are making big plays, and killing off big characters. As for whether or not all of these characters are truly dead, that is something that seems to be varying from show to show.
For “Arrow,” what we do know is that the Earth-1 incarnation of Laurel Lance is dead, and the series has no plans to bring her back. After doing this with both Sara Lance and Thea Queen, the producers probably thought that it would be a little much to continue to just throw metaphorical phoenix downs at people to ensure that they kept the same actors around. This is depressing (we still think that Laurel was starting to come into her own), but hopefully this will lead to some big revelations and changes in the story to come.
Based on what executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says to Entertainment Weekly, one of these changes could rear its head almost right away in how losing Laurel may cause everyone on Team Arrow to be a little less heroic for a little while, as they struggle to try and pick up the pieces:
“Right now, they’re being a little too cautious, which is more of what’s tripping them up in the wake of Laurel’s death … hey’re all still reeling. It was a big blow to the audience, it was a big blow to us as writers and producers, and it’s certainly a big blow to the characters. Laurel’s been with the show since the beginning. In some ways, she was the truest hero of them all, because we really got to see her become a hero. When we met Oliver, he was already the Arrow, he was already skilled and had gone through his baptism of fire. We watched as Laurel was a crusading attorney, then slowly fell apart and rebuild herself into this hero. To see her fall is sad and tragic and painful. It’s a reminder that yes they’re all dressed up in Halloween costumes and masks, but there are real consequences to what they’re doing and their lives are constantly in danger; at any moment anyone of them can lose it. That’s really what the team is dealing with in the last six episodes of the season.”
Of course, the dangerous thing here is that sometimes being too cautious can also get you in trouble. It’s like driving a car; you have to find that happy medium and then stick to it, since otherwise you could be at risk of causing some serious problems.
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